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Thursday, February 3, 2011

what is a friend??



What is the meaning of friend..??? is it we really need a friend in life???

Friend is the people that close to us whether we in a good or bad mood.. friend is also the person who are care more about us other than our family. A true friend will sacrifice himself for their friend anytime. It is like a family outside the house.

Yes, we do need a friend in our life..to have a good life we need a GOOD friend..not a ‘GOOD’ friend..good friend doesn’t stab us from behind..they will not pretending to be good in front but being evil behind our back..talking bad, block they from your account or lied to them is not a types of good friend..

it is better to be alone rather than have friend like this.

To make a friend we have to be ready for the possibility that the person we pick is the right person to be our friend. If we make the wrong choice is hard to turn back. A person called friend can give a strong influence in our life whether it is good or bad. A friendship must be built on trustworthy. We can’t say that he was our friend if we don’t trust him at all.

Moral of the story:

Find a friend not look at their beauty or advantage which he has but the pure heart and not tainted by jealousy.

A good friend is someone we can count on, as well as being so much more. A friend is someone with whom we can relax and just hang out, have fun and share our innermost thoughts, deep dark secrets, lofty and noble goals, or our hopes, joys, and fears.

A good friend allows you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs without worry of being judged, criticized or made to feel silly for feeling the way you do. Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just plain commiserate and listen to each other.

That's why friends are friends....

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Perkara luar tabiat

Salam..hype..mownink!!!xkisah la mane2 same je lbey kurang…hari ni rase cam da terbuang tabiat sikit..pagi2 bgun smbahyang subuh lpas 2 trus kuar gi jogging waktu matahri belum naik…baru aku sedar bahawa UiTM celah ceruk hutan kat Segamat ni sgt indah (tapi hanya diwaktu pagi je lah..huhu). Mmg da plan dr mlm tadi nk jog pagi2 sbb kalau ptg ramai orang so rasa cam segan ckit nk lari..hehe ajak mmbe2 yang len sume malas + tak nak last2 pegi 2 orang je ngan Ika..Ika mmg de best la sggup lyn krenahaku bile2 mase pun..

Mule2 keluar bilik tgk gelap lagi cam org tak betul la plak then masuk bilik balik tunggu terang ckit tp xde la lme sgt..5 minutes after tu baru kuar balik and then pegi jog..mula2 ktowg jln2 dlu da smpi dpan penawar lari ckit2..da penat jalan lg da ok lari balik macam 2 je la jog aku xde la nk lari 100%..huhu mmg xsanggup..elak aku sampai blik je trus patah kaki..ni pun baru lari ckit da semput mengalahkan pesakit semput kat hospital 2..haha ye la orang xpenah nk jog..ni first time kut aku nk jog..before2 ni ada la gak keingginan nk jog tp selalu xdpt sume xnk teman aku..huhu nk jog sowg2 malu rase cam ada wat salah je sume orang nak pandang..

Best gak rupenya jog pagi2 ni..sunyi je udara pun nyamaaaaaan sekali..pastu dapat tgk pemandagan yang jarang dilihat..cam td ktowg nmpk burung hantu and burung ape ntah name dye..tp tgk cam burung kasawari tp yang ni kecik ckit xtaw la nme dye ape tp burung tu mmg sgt cantik..burung hantu yang ktowang nmpk tu pun mcm unik ckit sbb bdan dye kaler coklat cair..lawa gile rase cam nk tangkap burung tu wat belaan cam Harry Porter tu..haha

Then lpas da abes pusing 2 round (wooooowww!!) ktowg duduk2 dkt dpan admin rest kan ckit kaki sambil cuci mata..haaaiish!!hahaha..sambil2 tu ktowg pun kutip vitamin C dpd matahri pagi.. xpayah nk cucuk2 kt muka free je kt depan mata..haha

Moral of the story:

Kena la rajin2 jogging lpas ni xkisah la pagi ke ptg yang pntg tubuh badan kita ni always in a good condition..yeah right baby!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Akibat lapo yang teramat

Ari ni mood nk berblog tetibe bangkit selepas asik memikirkan kejadian yang serius memalukan..bley effect 7 keturunan kut kalau de kaum len kt situ nseb bek la sume gugurl je td tp 2 la mulut2 gugurl kan mne bley nk tahan dpd mengutuk2 org sekeliling..hukhuk (aku pun tak terkecuali lah)

Citernye bermula begini..lpas klas kol 11.55 aku and the gang singgah la dining da lapo sgt2 da ni sampai kepala pun da tak bley nk pkir ngan betol sbb lapo sgt kan..tyme smpi kt dining tu xde la ramai sgt org tp ble nk bratur tetbe je bley rmai..so ngan muka semangat nk g bratur amik nasi bley plak minah dpan aku ni bwak msuk line kawan2 ye..kalau sorg bley la aku trima lg ni mule2 2 org pastu xlame pas 2 dtg lg 2 org and ngan muke innocent nye trus redah masuk line dpan aku..tyme mmg da hangin la 1 badan aku..mule2 dalam kepala otak aku mmg rse nk balas blik je kt budak2 tu tp malas r nk kecoh2 sgt an bile pkir nasi still cukup bile smpi turn aku nk amik nasi ntey..so ngan muka redha and sparuh terpakse tu aku trus je la beratur kt blakang minah2 poyo ni..dpan dowg de mmbe aku sowg n tbe turn dye amik nasi dye offer kt aku nk cedokkan nasi kitowg sume aku pun ngan still kpale otak nk revenge kt minah2 tu pun angguk sutuju ngan excited and trus g depan amik 4 pinggan skali tuk mmbe2 aku yg tersgkut kt blakang line lg..

Tbe kt tong nasi aku pun trus la hulur kt mmbe aku yg kt dpan tu td utk cedok nasi..tyme 2 dlm kpale otak aku mmg da hepi sbb dapat balas kt minah2 tu(ntah ape2 je kan aku ni)..tp tula ntah cam mne an tgn aku bley pengko plak ari ni.. bru kena pegang 4 pinggan, pinggan2 tu jatuh plak..mmg tyme tu hanye tuhan je la taw betapa MALU nye akuuuu!!!!aaaaaaaargghhh!!!!mmg xdapat nk diselamatkan lg la kan..trus aku tunduk je kt dpan 2..mmbe aku yg len mmg da benggang la ngan aku kan..huaarg!!MALU GILE LA BHAI!!!

Pastu ni lg 1 hal!!minah2 ni bley la an perli2 aku cm da bgus sgt idup kowg an..xtaw lg langit 2 tggi ke rendah tp nk berlagak cam da taw semua..tp mende da nk jadi kan nk wat cmne..kne la trima gak lgpun mmg da slah aku gak yg g gelojoh sgt nk mkan sape suh..tp td mmg da lapo sgt agk nye smpi kepale pun da xmmpu nk berpkir ngan leby waras..huhu

Moral of the story:

Xyah nk glojoh sgt la tyme makan..kalau de rezeki korang nk makan ari 2 mmg de la..jgn risau..kalau degil sgt terima la nasib cam aku ni td..huhu